Peer-Reviewed Articles
Francien G. Bossema, Paul J.C. van Laar, Kimberly Meechan, Daniel O'Flynn, Joanne Dyer, Tristan van Leeuwen, Suzan Meijer, Erma Hermens, and K. Joost Batenburg, "Inside Out: Fusing 3D imaging modalities for the internal and external investigation of multi-material museum objects." Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 13 (2023).
Maximilian B. Kiss, Francien G. Bossema, Paul J.C. van Laar, Suzan Meijer, Felix Lucka, Tristan van Leeuwen, and K. Joost Batenburg, "Beam filtration for object-tailored X-ray CT of multi-material cultural heritage objects." Heritage Science 11, 130 (2023).
​Paul J.C. van Laar, Erma Hermens, and Gregor J.M. Weber, "The Vermeer camera obscura hypothesis turned inside out: complexities of experimental research." Work in Progress. The Artists' Gestures and Skills Explored through Art Technological Source Research. Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium of the ICOM-CC Working Group on Art Technological Source Research, held at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, 24-25 November 2022 (2024)​
Blog Posts
"Uncovering hidden features inside art objects in an interactive environment." CWI (Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in the Netherlands) and NICAS (13 October 2022).
Written with Francien Bossema.
"Update ‘Glass in Paint’ Projects" NICAS (7 March 2022)
"The Sea Turtle: a skeleton turned inside out." Looking Through Art (May 25, 2020).
"The turtle’s carapace: a curious painting support or a battle shield?"Looking Through Art (July 7, 2020).
Published as part of a series of joint blog posts, focusing on the use and different connotations of turtle (shell) in cultural heritage.
Selected Conference Lectures & Posters
“The best preparation of smalt”? A Lasting Honey Coating on Smalt Particles."
Paul J.C. van Laar, Dominique M.E. Thies-Weesie, Thijs Hagendijk, Maartje Stols-Witlox, and Gert Jan Vroege.
Poster presented at Bridging the Gap – Synergies between art history and conservation. Oslo: Nasjonalmuseet. 23-24 November, 2023.
"Technical Art History, Turtles and Mesh works."
Erma Hermens and Paul J.C. van Laar.
Lecture presented at Bridging the Gap – Synergies between art history and conservation. Oslo: Nasjonalmuseet. 23-24 November, 2023.
"The Vermeer-Camera Obscura Hypothesis Turned Inside Out: Complexities of Experimental Research."
Paul J.C. van Laar, Erma Hermens, and Gregor J.M. Weber.
Lecture presented at Vermeer Symposium. Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum. March 29, 2023.
"IntACT: 3D Visualisation of the Interior of Art Objects through CT Scans."
Paul J.C. van Laar.
Lecture presented at NICAS Colloquium, Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum. December 8, 2022.
"IntACT: 3D Visualisation of the Interior of Art Objects through CT Scans."
Paul J.C. van Laar.
Lecture presented at NICAS Project Day 2022. Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum. June 8, 2022.
Software and Datasets
CT reconstruction and structured light scan of a small wooden block
Francien G. Bossema, and Paul J.C. van Laar.
31 October, 2022.
Francien G. Bossema, Paul J.C. van Laar, and Kimberly Meechan
31 October, 2022.
Popular Media
"Short Interview with EW Magazine." EW Magazine (11 January, 2022).